Less Than Three: game for the warriors of love

Filling my vacation time, I had fun making mobile-based games for the Android operating system. Calculate the training using the Unity3D application version 4.3 which already supports 2D games. I call this game Less Than Three, or in Indonesian it means Less Than Three, or emoticon <3. So this game tells about a boy who is chasing a girl he loves. In the process of his love struggle, there are several obstacles that the boy must go through to get the heart of the girl of his dreams....

February 25, 2014 · 2 min · Rizal Asrul Pambudi

Eye Care: eye disease expert system using Java and SQL database

Health problems can also be handled with technology. With Eye Care – an expert system, users get advice on the health problems they are experiencing. Expert systems can also help doctors to make decisions that will be given to their patients. The expert system that I have created is an expert system for people with eye diseases. The system works is that the patient will be given several questions about the symptoms that the patient feels in his eyes....

February 20, 2014 · 2 min · Rizal Asrul Pambudi