Treating a portfolio on a CV like a financial portfolio

Introduction As software engineers, programmers, or in any field who work in the technology or digital industry, skills and experience are our most important professional assets. Unfortunately, these skills and experience expire very quickly. Our skills become outdated as new technologies, programming languages, and libraries are developed. Market or industry changes can also make our experiences obsolete and irrelevant. Given the ever-increasing pace of change in society, these changes can occur as quickly as possible....

August 15, 2020 · 6 min · Rizal Asrul Pambudi

Communicate effectively as a software engineer

Why communication is important Communication failure will eventually make its members fail to understand what makes themselves more efficient, because they themselves fail to get feedback from others on the team. I believe that it is better to be looked over than it is to be overlooked — Mae West, Belle of the Nineties, 1934 We can learn from the quote above. It’s not just what we think, but how we package it....

February 10, 2020 · 7 min · Rizal Asrul Pambudi

What makes a programmer pragmatic?

Pragmatic meaning Before discussing about pragmatic programmers, we must understand what is meant by pragmatics. Anyone can google to find out what is meant by the word “pragmatic”. But I’m trying to demonstrate what pragmatics really means. Let’s just say someone asks us “What time is it?”. Literally, the person is actually asking what time it is. So our response is to tell what time it is by answering “it is seven o’clock at night”....

February 3, 2020 · 5 min · Rizal Asrul Pambudi

A reflection of two years in Bukalapak

The beginning Exactly today (Janury 20th, 2020), it’s my second year at Bukalapak. This made me think back about all the experiences and knowledge that I gained. Before working at Bukalapak, I worked at one of the FMCG companies as an IT developer for about a year. While there, I realized that I wanted to be freer to experiment or be independent in building projects that had more impact. That moment started when my friend asked me to join Bukalapak....

January 20, 2020 · 6 min · Rizal Asrul Pambudi