Old photograph from Bandung

It doesn’t feel like I’m halfway through the #30DayWritingChallenge. Actually today I have no idea what to write about. Then suddenly Facebook refreshed my memory with this old photograph. It was taken around 2017 in front of my old office in Bandung. It triggers my memory to flashback to some interesting things and I miss from Bandung. From that photo, I looked for some photos of me when I was still in Bandung....

January 5, 2022 · 2 min · Rizal Asrul Pambudi

The journey of developing rizalasrul.com

The site you are currently visiting is not the first site that I have developed. I’ve developed this site three times with three different tech stacks. Nuxt + Tailwind This website was first developed using Nuxt with Tailwind. Actually, at that time I developed this website because it coincided with the #hacktoberfest2020. The reason I use Nuxt and Tailwind is as simple as I want to learn. Actually, I thought about using Next or React, but I don’t have the desire or need to learn React yet....

January 4, 2022 · 2 min · Rizal Asrul Pambudi

I believe in working from home, but...

As I mentioned here, yes I am very grateful that starting 2020 until today I can still work from home. There are many advantages that I get from working from home, such as less commute stress, cozy clothes (I get to wear those sweatpants), even money savings. During the two years I worked from home, I felt there were no obstacles that prevented me from working, communicating, conducting meetings, and also building trust....

January 3, 2022 · 4 min · Rizal Asrul Pambudi

What does the PM want from their engineer

As I mentioned in the previous post, I’ve read the book “Inspired. How To Create Tech Products Customers Love” by Marty Cagan. This book tells about insights related to novice product managers based on Cagan’s decades of working in product management. I personally highly recommend this book for those of you who want to start a career as a product manager. From a software engineer’s perspective, I capture the relationship between PM and software engineers in their daily work....

January 2, 2022 · 2 min · Rizal Asrul Pambudi

My areas of improvement

New year, new resolutions, new goals. This year I have no new resolutions. I just want to be better than what I have now. In fact, I started the first day of the year with something ordinary. I woke up at dawn, continued to watch the Iron Fist series, until this morning when I wrote this. I wrote this based on feedback from my wife, family, colleagues, lead, manager, and people I’ve interacted with....

January 1, 2022 · 2 min · Rizal Asrul Pambudi