Are you sure you're really busy?

You’re busy, I’m busy, but how much of what we’re busy with actually matters? Ask yourself with everything you do and say, “is this essential?”. Because most of what we do and say is maybe not essential. Most of what we do is because people asked us to do it, people told us to do it, or that’s how we’ve always done it. Do we actually need to do it?...

January 10, 2022 · 1 min · Rizal Asrul Pambudi

Why should you take on leave even though you're not going anywhere

I have a story from Simon Sinek, a great story of two lumberjacks. Every morning they start chopping wood at the same time, and every day they stop chopping wood at the same time. Every day, one of the lumberjacks disappears for about an hour in the middle of the day, and every day he chops more wood than the other guy. And this goes on for months. Eventually, the one who works all day says “I don’t understand....

January 9, 2022 · 2 min · Rizal Asrul Pambudi

The secret to life

The secret to life, to happiness, and to a relationship is one thing: taking a minute before you respond. The stoics say “we don’t control what happens, but we control how we respond”. Between the stimulus and the response, there’s a moment. And at this moment, this is when we choose who we are, what we’re going to be, and what’s important to us. You don’t have to respond right away....

January 8, 2022 · 1 min · Rizal Asrul Pambudi

Things you should not do for better life

I got this from a book I’ve read. Some things you should never do: Don’t be overheard complaining even to yourself. Don’t put on airs about your self-improvement. Don’t talk about it, but be about it. Don’t overindulge in eating or drinking. Moderation is key. We have two ears and one mouth for a reason. Don’t speak more than you listen. Don’t avoid difficulty. Don’t do these things, you’ll have a good life....

January 7, 2022 · 1 min · Rizal Asrul Pambudi

How to know when it's time to resign

First of all, I don’t plan on resigning. The new year is identical to the opening of the employee “transfer market”. Some people may think of having a new job in the new year. It actually made me think about what things made me decide to resign from my employer. So here are the factors: When income is no longer sufficient. The most logical reason. I know some people who are like this, and so am I....

January 6, 2022 · 3 min · Rizal Asrul Pambudi