This time we will try to remotely the server computer via the client computer using SSH. For your information, SSH is a network protocol for data communication.

Here is the scenario that will be used to remotely server:

  1. Login to the server computer that has the IP address screenshot-1
  2. Login as root. screenshot-2
  3. View server computer address. screenshot-3
  4. Do updates. screenshot-4
  5. View the memory of the server computer. screenshot-5
  6. View the hard drive of the computer. screenshot-6
  7. View hard disk partition. screenshot-7
  8. View CPU status. screenshot-8
  9. View gateway. screenshot-9
  10. Change the IP address on the server computer. To change it, you can edit the file in the /etc/nerwork/interfaces directory. screenshot-10
  11. After the server computer address is changed. screenshot-11